
皮膚科劉權毅醫師 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

自由時報:2011/03/02 04:11

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民視新聞:2011/03/01 18:01

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C.B ointment亦新增警語

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中廣新聞:2011/02/08 08:05

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東森新聞 2011/01/26

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【華視2011/01/14 21:26】

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自由時報 2011/01/03 04:11

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Int J Dermatol. 2008 Jan;47(1):61-3.

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Dietary amino acid-induced systemic lupus erythematosus.
The effects of dietary manipulations on autoimmune disease are understood poorly. In this article, we detail our experience with a human subject who developed autoimmune hemolytic anemia while participating in a research study that required the ingestion of alfalfa seeds. Subsequent experimental studies in primates ingesting alfalfa sprout seeds and L-canavanine (a prominent amino acid constituent of alfalfa) is presented. The results of these studies indicate a potential toxic and immunoregulatory role of L-canavanine in the induction of a systemic lupus-like disease in primates

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A major cause of neonatal morbidity and mortality in Lagos, Nigeria, is severe neonatal jaundice seen in G-6-PD deficient babies. The observation that the jaundice is more severe in outpatient than in inpatient babies suggests that its cause is exogenous. "Mentholated" powder which is commonly used in many clinics and at home to dress umbilical cords was suspected to be the offending agent. A controlled study of the effects of one of these powders was carried out on 60 consecutive G-6-PD deficient babies. In 30 of them the umbilical cords were dressed daily with the powder while the remaining half who were untreated served as controls. The treated babies developed statistically more significant jaundice than the controls. Inability of neonates to conjugate menthol in this power is probably responsible for the jaundice developed by these G-6-PD deficient babies. It is concluded that the use of menthol and/or camphor-containing commerical products on neonates be discontinued, especially in communities where the incidence of G-6-PD deficiency is high as the use of such products may be contributiing to the severity of neonatal jaundice.

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更新日期:2010/12/22 00:07 【記者蘇湘雲/台北報導】

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更新日期:2010/12/22 13:10

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1. 短期抗皺:平滑紋路、填補細紋

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